There are so many valuable things I have learned this past year: that my name, Rara, means strange in spanish, the many uses of a tshirt, that my students love seeing...
Community Outreach
Community Links
New Jersey Regional Day School
I am very happy at all the community outreach New Jersey Regional Day School does. We are very fortunate to have a group of dedicated individuals that create and foster connections to student learning both in and outside the classroom. Community connections include: Chatham Hills Nursing Home, NJ Community Food Bank, Essex County Environmental Center, Kathleen’s Closet, Goodwill Industries, East Side High School, Newark Leadership Academy, and St. Vincent’s Academy in Newark.

POAC is the largest autism organization in New Jersey, and they run solely based on donations and grants. None of their amazing workshops cost any money, they have wonderful activities throughout New Jersey, and the professional and parent involvement in the entire program is phenomenal.
Local Events:
- POAC Passaic County: The 4th Friday of each month at Saint Anthony of Padua Parish Center.
- 101 Myrtle Ave (2nd Floor). Passaic, NJ.
- Time: 6-8 PM.
- This is a bilingual support group.
- To register, click here and choose "Passaic County Parent Support Group" (They welcome any and everyone in or around the area) or call Lauren (973) 777-6816.
- Dinner is served for those who want to participate.

2016 was the first year in my entire teaching career that I have not gone to the Autism NJ Conference, and I am a little sad about it. Autism NJ has the most amazing connections and brings together so many positive, dedicated people to the field of special needs programs. They have parent scholarships to attend the conference, and have year-round workshops, fundraisers, and a plethora of great resources for families with special needs children.
Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is another great organization dedicated to helping children and families connect to professionals, businesses, and other special-needs friendly individuals. There are many fundraisers and special events that anyone can get involved in.
I have written a few posts about activities that happen in the local Essex/Hudson County community. It is important to be involved with where you live – there is...
To decide to reduce waste in my own life, while living with family, and being a teacher, is a difficult hurdle. Some family members (and coworkers) are all for it, and...
This post is dedicated to anyone who thinks they do not have the power to change or help with anything. I have been learning that if I want something changed, I need to...
So I have posted about Nassan’s Place before, and they continue to do some amazing work for our parents of kids with special needs. With Autism Awareness month...
If you don’t know about Nassan’s Place, right now is the perfect time to learn! You can see a little explanation in my Community Section, but this amazing...
It is that time of the year again! Christmas lights everywhere, loud, repetitive music, glitter and garland...