Since April, I have been working and teaching a thematic unit titled “The Environment.” A thematic unit is where a teacher focuses on a...
This is a BIG announcement!
In order to learn how to save the world, and teach others how to save the world, I am embarking on a trip to 15 different...
To decide to reduce waste in my own life, while living with family, and being a teacher, is a difficult hurdle. Some family members (and coworkers)...
On April 29, I joined more than 200,000 individuals from across the country to march in Washington, D.C. to voice my concerns about the environment...
This post is dedicated to anyone who thinks they do not have the power to change or help with anything. I have been learning that if I want something...
Like I’ve said before, this whole website is a learning experience for me. So in knowing this, I have decided to learn with you, and introduce...